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Contributor Card

Organization Level

Add the following code to the .github repository’s profile/ to display on the organization README, or anywhere else you would like it displayed. Also, replace {{org_aname}} with your organization name

<a href="{{org_name}}">
<img src="{{org_name}}/contributors?limit=15&format=svg" width="350" />

NOTE: By changing the limit, you can display more than 15 contributors by changing the limit. Max is 70.

Repository level

Add the following code to the repository README, or anywhere else you would like it displayed. Also, replace {{org_aname}} with your organization name and {{repo_name}} with your repository name

<a href="{{org_name}}/repository/{{repo_name}}">
<img src="{{org_name}}}/repositories/{{repo_name}}/contributors?format=svg&limit=15" width="350" />

NOTE: By changing the limit, you can display more than 15 contributors by changing the limit. Max is 70.