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Achievements are a way for developers or organizations to incentivize other developers to make contributions to their repositories. By using a Vaunt achievements config you can enable a set of achievements for contributors to your repository. Developers can showcase their own achievements or a repository can showcase the achievements earned by contributors.


This example shows some of the standard achievement definitions. You can place this file in your repository under ./.vaunt/config.yaml with updated image urls for the icons to enable Achievements for you repository.

version: 0.0.1
- achievement:
name: Shooting Star
icon: <image_url>
description: Awarded for starring our repository, make a wish!
- trigger:
actor: author
action: star
condition: starred = true
- achievement:
name: Every Bit Counts
icon: <image_url>
description: No commit is too small!
- trigger:
actor: author
action: commit
condition: count() >= 1
- achievement:
name: Pull Request Hero
icon: <image_url>
description: You're a PR hero, rock on!
- trigger:
actor: author
action: pull_request
condition: merged = true
- achievement:
name: Closer
icon: <image_url>
description: Only closers get coffee!
- trigger:
actor: author
action: issue
condition: closed = true

This example uses a standard set of achievements that are free for any Vaunt users.

Check out the webhooks guide for information about setting up webhooks for your achievements.

Vaunt Config Explanation

The Achievements defined in the Vaunt config have several attributes that will be customizable for plans in the future.

Achievement Name

The name of the achievement. The name will be displayed on achievement card, Vaunt open source community. We recommend a maximum of 20 characters.

We use the name for the primary identifier.

  • If you change the name, it is a new achievement. The old achievement is active.
  • If you want to stop giving out the old achievement, please contact us for support.
  • If you change trigger, such as icon, description, and trigger, it is still a same achievement.
  • If you remove the achievements from the yaml file, users will still have the achievements they earned.

Achievement Icon

The url to an icon image to use for the achievement. This can be displayed when showcasing achievements. We recommend the following:

  • (Required) Aspect ratio: 1:1
  • (Required) Format: PNG or JPEG
  • (Suggested) Image size: 500 x 500 px
  • (Suggested) Sharp: Round
  • (Suggested) File Size: Under 1 MB

Achievement Description

A description of the achievement that can be shown as hovertext when showcasing. The discription will be only displayed on Vaunt open source community. We recommend a maximum of 100 characters.

Achievement Type

An optional field to specify the type of achievement. Achievements may be one of a number of types that use some additional information to determine how achievements should be awarded.

The current supported types are:

  • ongoing (default)
  • once

An achievement of type "ongoing" is one that can be earned at any time that a user qualifies for it. The conditions for this achievement will be checked periodically and awards granted to users when they meet the contribution requirements.

An achievement of type "once" is awarded only at a configured date and then is no longer earnable even if users meet the conditions after the fact. The date for this field must be provided in the field of the achievement.

Achievement Metadata

Metadata is an optional field that provides some metadata about the achievement that may vary based on the achievement type. Currently, the only supported metadata field is "Date" which provides a date in month-day-year format on which to award an achievement of type "once".

For example:

  - achievement:
type: once
date: 01-19-2024

This achievement would be granted one time to qualified users on January 19th, 2024.

Achievement Triggers

Triggers are used to define the conditions that must be reached for a user to earn a given achievement. There are several fields to a trigger that allow you to customize the exact requirements.


The Actor controls the subject of the condition. For most actions this will be the author. However, for pull_request specifically this can also be set to reviewers or assignees and for issues this may be set to resolved_by.

ActorSupported Actions
authorpull_request, review, commit, issue, discussion, star
assigneespull_request, issue


Action defines the contribution action that this trigger uses.

pull_requestcreate actions related to opening or merging pull requests
reviewcreate actions related to reviewing pull requests
commitcreate actions related to authoring commits
issuecreate actions related to opening or resolving issues
issue_commentcreate actions related to authoring comments on issues
pull_request_commentcreate actions related to authoring comments on pull requests
discussioncreate actions related to opening or answering discussions
starcreate actions for starring the repository
pointspecial action that uses point values from action definitions

Pull Request Fields

mergedboolwhether the pull request has been merged
closedboolwhether the pull request has been closed
commentsintnumber of comments on the pull request
reactionsintnumber of reactions on the pull request
additionsintnumber of commit additions made in the pull request
deletionsintnumber of commit deletions made in the pull request
changed_filesintnumber of changed files in the pull request
commitsintnumber of commits made in the pull request
labelsstring arraylist of labels assigned to the pull request
emojisstring arraylist of reaction emojis on the pull request body
reactorsstring arraylist of users that have reacted to the pull request
created_atdatethe date the pull request was created
merged_atdatethe date the pull request was merged
closed_atdatethe date the pull request was closed
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Review Fields

created_atdatethe date the review was created
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Commit Fields

additionsintnumber of commit addition
deletionsintnumber of commit deletions
changed_filesintnumber of changed files
created_atdatethe date the commit was created
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Issue Fields

closedboolwhether the issue has been closed
commentsintnumber of comments on the issue
reactionsintnumber of reactions on the issue
labelsstring arraylist of labels assigned to the issue
emojisstring arraylist of reaction emojis on the issue body
reactorsstring arraylist of users that have reacted to the issue
reasonstringthe state reason for an issue, can be either REOPENED, COMPLETED, or NOT_PLANNED
created_atdatethe date the issue was created
closed_atdatethe date the issue was closed
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Issue Comment Fields

reactionsintnumber of reactions on the issue
emojisstring arraylist of reaction emojis on the issue comment
reactorsstring arraylist of users that have reacted to the comment
created_atdatethe date the issue was created
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Pull Request Comment Fields

reactionsintnumber of reactions on the issue
emojisstring arraylist of reaction emojis on the pull request comment
reactorsstring arraylist of users that have reacted to the comment
created_atdatethe date the issue was created
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Discussion Fields

closedboolwhether the discussion has been closed
commentsintnumber of comments on the discussion
upvotesintnumber of upvotes on the discussion
reactionsintnumber of reactions on the discussion
created_atdatethe date the discussion was created
closed_atdatethe date the discussion was closed
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Star Fields

starredboolwhether the repository was starred
created_atdatethe date the star was given
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger

Point fields

pointsintnumber of points the user has earned
actorstring arraylist of users to include or exclude from this trigger


The condition uses one or more of the fields from the action to create a conditional check for the achievement. The comparison should be appropriate for the type of the field such as equality for booleans or numeric comparison for integers, for example: merged = true or comments > 10.

The string array fields labels and files use a special list comparison in with a list of strings to check against. There are several options for comparing the list based on way the list is provided. The short description is that [] means any, ![] means not any, {} means all, and !{} means not all.

The easiest way to understand is by looking at some examples. The following conditions compare the labels of an issue:

  • labels in ['bug', 'good first issue'] matches if the item has either of these labels
  • labels in !['spam', 'duplicate'] matches if the item does NOT have any of these labels
  • labels in {'bug', good first issue'] matches if the item has ALL of these labels
  • labels in !{'bug', 'good first issue'} matches if the item has does NOT have ALL of these labels (would still match on label "bug", but not on "bug" and "good first issue")

Multiple conditions can be combined in a single trigger with the & and | operators. AND doesn’t work.

There are also a couple helpful functions that may be included.


In addition to standard achievements, the Vaunt config can be used to create custom actions that may be referenced by achievements. Actions have many of the same fields as achievements with a few minor differences.

An action must specify the type field, which denotes the type of action being defined. Currently only point actions are supported, but we plan on adding additional types in the future.

Also the trigger object for actions has an addtional value field which specifies a numeric value for the action, which for the point type is the number of points awarded for completing the action.

Below is an example Vaunt config with actions and an achievement referencing the action:

version: 0.0.1
- action:
type: point
name: commits
- trigger:
actor: author
action: commit
condition: count(created_at >= 01-01-2023) >= 1
value: 4
- action:
type: point
name: prs
- trigger:
actor: author
action: pull_request
condition: merged = true & created_at >= 01-01-2023
value: 10
- achievement:
name: Top Contributor 2023
icon: contributor.png
description: Awarded to the top contributor of 2023
type: once
date: 01-01-2024
- trigger:
actor: author
action: point
condition: rank(1) sum(commits, prs)


  • count()

Count can be used to return the number of times an action has occurred. For example, the commit action with a condition of count() >= 10 would be fulfilled when a user has 10 or more commits in the repository. Since we are not able to do everything in real-time, it will be safer to use >= to make sure contributors get the achievement

You can additionally include conditionals inside the parenthesis of the count function to restrict which actions would be included in the count. For example, on a pull_request action the condition count(merged = true) >= 10 would resolve for users that have created 10 or more pull requests that have been merged.

  • age({interval})

Age can be used to include the age of pull_request, issues, reviews, or discussions in the condition. Age is defined as the time from open to close of the given action.

The {interval} value must be one of either seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

For example, the condition age(days) < 10 on a pull_request action would resolve to pull_requests that were merged in less than 10 days.

  • sum({actions})

Sum can be used to aggregate the values of one or more defined actions to award achievements for. Multiple actions can be provided as a comma delimited list. For example the condition sum(commits, prs) > 10 would award an achievement to users that have earned at least 10 points accross the user defined commits and prs actions.

  • rank({num})

Rank can be used with the point action to specify that an achievement is awarded specifically to the user at the provided rank. This can be used alongside the sum() function to order users by a given action. For example, rank(1) & sum(my_action) would award the achievement to the user that has the most number of points based on their contributions and the criteria of my_action.